Per tutti quelli che potrebbero aiutarci. Abbiamo occupato una casa da tre giorni perchè ne abbiamo bisogno chiediamo a tutte le persone che possono aiutarci di portarci cibo acqua vestiti coperte latte in polvere e cibo per bambini.Siamo più di 400 persone da diversi Paesi tutti scappati da ditttature e siamo qui per cercare protezione.Innanzi tutto il nostro problema non è politico ma è umanitario, come abbiamo detto siamo Eritrei, Etiopi, Somali, Sudanesi così noi chiediamo allo Stato Italiano di rispettare i nostri diritti di "stato" di rifugiati politici, perché il governo italiano ci ha lasciato come spazzatura e allo stesso tempo siamo obbligati a vivere in Italia per le nostre impronte digitali.Così da due giorni siamo senza cibo e nessuno ci sta ascoltando. Per noi rifugiati, come sapete, la comunità europea paga milioni di euro al governo italiano e noi stiamo chiedendo dove sono finiti tutti i nostri soldi, se loro non vogliono che viviamo in italia buttate le nostre impronte digitali e noi troveremo la soluzione ai nostri problemi.
I rifugiati, occupanti di via senigallia 6
To whom it may concernWe are from different countries all of us escaped from dictatorship rulls and we are here looking for protection and solution for our problems. Before anything it is not politic our problem but humanitarian. As we said we are from different countries from eritrea,ethiopia, somalia, sudan. We are asking state of italy to respecte our rigfht of the state of refugees. Because the italian government drop us like rabish inside the garbages of Italy. In the same time we are obligate to live in italy because of our digital prints. So for two days we are without food and blankets and water and no one give ears to us.As you knows the europian community paid such a milions of dolars for the italian governement in the same time we are asking where are all those dolars gone. If they don't want us to live in italy let they take of our digital prints and we will find out solution for our problems.
sabato 18 aprile 2009
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Your situation is unfortunate.
RispondiEliminaHowever, the cause of your misfortune lives in the country of your origin, your country of birth and not the citizenry and resources of Italy or other European countries.
History shows that the conditions of the country you deserted are rarely resolved except by the willing dedicated resistance of the citizenry. You must accept the responsibility to secure the freedoms you desire in your own country.
The citizens of many "free" countries have their rights by association with their countrymen who sometimes fought and died to enable such rights. That is a commitment that your forefathers and you have failed to meet. That is a commitment and responsibility for every generation.
Life is a struggle and often unfair.
The strong, the wise, the brave and the fortunate survive. Gather among you those with these qualities, return to your homelands and secure the rights and freedoms you wish for your children and grandchildren. Charitable consideration for you and your homeland in such an endeavor is righteous